Improvement in 2023 semiconductor market

An unexpected upturn in Q2 has resulted in a better than anticipated result for the 2023 semiconductor market, said Malcolm Penn (pictured) CEO of Future Horizons, at the company’s IFS2023 forecast seminar yesterday.

The industry down-cycle bottomed out in Q1 which was a quarter earlier than the historical trend indicated. “The 18th industry up-cycle has started,” said Penn.

In Q2, the market increased by 6%, instead of taking an expected 5% drop and, with 6% growth forecast in Q3 followed by 1% growth in Q4, the full year forecast improves from an anticipated 22% decline to a 10% decline.

Inventory depletion will not, however, be over before the end of the year, and it could be longer if end demand  softens.

Future Horizons’ forecast for next year is a minus 1% Q1, a plus 2.3% Q2, a plus 6.3% Q3, and a minus 1.5% Q4 for full year growth of 9% to deliver a market worth $562 billion.

There should be a return to the historical 8% unit growth trend line next year, however the capex overspend will keep utilisation rates low and excess capacity will keep a tight rein on ASPs.


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